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山东大学外国语学院日本语 学士

山东大学文学院中国现当代文学 硕士、博士


2012.5 - 2016.8 山东大学新闻传播学院 讲师

2012.9 - 2014.10 复旦大学传播学 博士后

2015.7 - 2016.7 美国纽约城市大学媒体文化系 访问学者

2016.9 - 山东大学新闻传播学院 副教授

2017.12 - 2018.4 澳大利亚阿德莱德大学人文艺术学部 访问学者

2019.10 - 山东大学影视文化艺术传播研究中心(cacft) 执行主任

2021.7 - 2022.7 北京电影学院 访问学者














1. 情感张力中的新主流呈现,大众日报,2021.12.18;

2. 国产电影中的生态主义呈现,光明网,2020.3.20 

3. 场域视野下的革命文化——以沂蒙精神的跨场域传播为例,《山东社会科学》,2018.4cssci

4. 魔鬼、敌人、圣灵:重塑中国“狼”电影的生态伦理,《电影艺术》,2017.5cssci

5. 言论公共空间、产业经营突围与信息化:数字时代日本新闻实践与思想特征,《新闻爱好者》,2016.7cssci扩展;

6. 美国新闻实践与理论观照:基于“新闻场域”理论,《新闻爱好者》,2016.5cssci扩展;

7. 生态电影:当代中国生态批评对象的延伸与拓展,《电影艺术》,2016.2cssci

8. 生态文明建设与影视题材创新,《现代传播》,2015.5cssci

9. 壮岁无惧暮无悔,执戟泼墨裕后生,《新闻爱好者》,2015.3cssci扩展;

10. 我国电视剧产业的媒介生态与政策调整,《南京社会科学》,2014.12cssci

11. 传媒反腐的观察与期待,《新闻与写作》,2014.12 cssci扩展;

12. 鲁剧题材的创新之途——基于文化生态学与媒介生态学的思考,《山东社会科学》,2014.6cssci

13. 基于媒介生态环境的中国生态影视分期建构,《东岳论丛》,2014.4,cssci;

14. 文化资本转化与主旋律影视题材延展,《当代电视》,2014.7cssci

15. 洛伦·艾斯利的生态诗学,《江苏大学学报》(社会科学版),2014.1,中文核心;

16. 教育国际化与和谐文化建设,《东岳论丛》,2008.9cssci

17. 当代中国大众文化的后现代性,《东岳论丛》,2006.6cssci

18. 大众文化中的童话流行色,《山东社会科学》,2006.5cssci;等。


1. “中国电影在日传播的典型案例与跨文化传播评估指标体系建构研究”,中共中央宣传部2021年度对外推广项目,2021.5

2. “中国生态电影创作与传播策略研究”,山东省社科规划项目,2017.10

3. “中国生态电影与生态文化传播研究”,山东大学“青年学者未来计划”特别资助项目,2017.3

4. “史料学视角下的当代中国红色新闻文化建设研究”,山东大学青年团队项目,2017.3

5. “中国当代新闻理论体系研究”第四子课题“近十年美日新闻理论课程体系分析”和第八子课题“当代中国新闻理论与西方新闻理论的比较”,国家社科基金、中宣部特别委托课题,2016.12;等。


1. 2021.12,指导学生获中国高等院校影视学会全国大学生微电影邀请赛二等奖、“优秀指导教师”;

2. 2021.10,获山东省广播电视局评定的2021年度省级广播电视和网络视听精品奖励项目“网络专题片”类一类支持;

3. 2020.12,获中共山东省委宣传部"山东省社会主义核心价值观主题微电影征集展播"优秀奖;

4. 2020.10,获中国高校影视学会 2019-2020 "影视作品推优活动"暨第十届"学院奖"教师作品三等奖;

5. 2020.8,指导学生获“第十三届(中国)山东青年微电影大赛”纪录片铜奖;

6. 2019.12,指导学生获山东省研究生优秀成果三等奖;

7. 2019.7,获"中国高校影视学会民族影视专业委员会"影视作品三等奖;

8. 2019.5,获山东大学优秀“课程思政”教学设计一等奖;

9. 2016.1,获“山东省第四届社会科学普及应用优秀作品”一等奖;


11. 2014.12,获“山东社科论坛优秀论文”一等奖;等。


 电邮: yuxf@sdu.edu.cn


yu xiaofeng

school of journalism and communication

shandong university

27 shanda nanlu

jinan, shandong, p.r.china 250100



ph. d. chinese modern and contemporary literature, shandong university, june 2006.

m. a. chinese modern and contemporary literature, shandong university, june 2003.

b. a.  japanese language and literature, shandong university, june 2000.


2021.7 - 2022.7: visiting scholar, china film culture institute, beijing film academy

2019.10 - present: executive director, research center for culture, art and communication of film and teleplay (cacft) , shandong university

2016.9 - present: associate professor, school of journalism and communication, shandong university

2017.12 - 2018.3: visiting scholar, the faculty of arts, the university of adelaide

2015.7 - 2016.7: visiting scholar, the department of media culture, the city university of new york

2012.9 - 2014.9: post-doctoral fellow, journalism school, fudan university

2012.5 - 2016.9: lecturer, school of literature & journalism, shandong university

2011.7 - present: director, huaxia culture research center, shandong university

2006.7 - 2012.5: program officer, department of international affairs, shandong university

areas of specialization

cultural communication

artistic dissemination

film & tv drama

grants and projects

2016 media ecological environment and policy adjustment of china's teleplay industry won the first prize of “the 4th outstanding achievement of social science popularization and application in shandong province”;

2015 innovation of lu dramas’ scenarios : reflections on cultural ecology and media ecology won the three prize of “shandong academy of higher learning excellent scientific research achievement”;

2014 cultural ecology interpretation of lu drama's theme innovation won the first prize of “shandong social science forum excellent paper”.

2017- “a research on creation and communication of chinese ecological film” social science foundation of the shandong province,china independently

2017 - “chinese ecological film and ecological culture communication” young scholars program of shandong university (yspsdu) independently

2017 - “a reasearch on the construction of contemporary chinese red revolutionary news culture from the perspective of historical data” youth team of shandong university jointly

2013 - 2017 “a study of chinese contemporary journalism theory system” the national social science fund of china (nssfc) jointly

2013 - 2017 “dissemination and cognition of confucianism in the west” the national social science fund of china (nssfc) jointly

2012 - 2014 “environmental aesthetics and transformation of aesthetics” ministry of education’s grants for humanities and social sciences (kri) jointly 

2012 - 2014 “a study on innovation and development of lu drama: compose the plays on diverse subjects and construct a whole industrial chain” press, publication, radio, film and television bureau of shandong province, china independently


forward position of communication (jinan: shandong university press, 2016)

an analysis of photographic works (shanghai: donghua university press co, ltd, 2013, reprinted in 2016, third-printed in 2019)

(with k.g. tu, w. zhang, j. zhang and f.f. wang) an introduction to social culture (jinan: shandong people's publishing house, 2014)

an analysis of the female image in chinese modern popular novels (qingdao: qingdao publishing group, 2008)

selected publications

revolutionary culture in the perspective of field theory and the cross-field communication of yimeng spirit, shandong social sciences, 2018(4), cssci;

devil, enemy, holy spirit: a rebuilding of the ecological ethic of wolf in chinese films, film art, 2017(3), cssci;

ecocinema: the extension and expansion of the target of ecocriticism in contemporary china, film art, 2016(2), cssci;

construction of ecological civilization and theme innovation of film and tv drama, modern communication, 2015(5), cssci;

japanese journalism practice and ideological characteristics in the digital age, journalism lover, 2016(7);

american journalism practice and theory: based on the theory of news field, journalism lover, 2016(5);

media ecological environment and policy adjustment of china's teleplay industry, nanjing journal of social sciences, 2014(12), cssci;

observation and anticipation of anti-corruption by media, news and writing, 2014(12), cssci;

transformation of cultural capital and extension of the central theme films and tv dramas’  scenarios, contemporary tv, 2014(7);

innovation of lu dramas’ scenarios : reflections on cultural ecology and media ecology, shandong social sciences, 2014(6), cssci;

the stage construction of chinese ecological films and teleplays: base on media ecological environment, dongyue tribune, 2014(4), cssci;

loren eiseley's ecopoetics, journal of jiangsu university, 2014(1);

the evolution of woman costume culture, social sciences weekly, december 15, 2011;

the internationalization of education and the construction of harmonious culture, dongyue tribune, 2008(5), cssci;

the fairy tale characters in popular culture, shandong social sciences, 2006(5), cssci;

discussion on general links among world literature, pacific journal, 2006(4),cssci;

post-modernism of mass culture, dongyue tribune, 2006(3), cssci.


art communication

visual culture and communication

screen cultural communication

workshop on art communication and culture experience


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