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作者:   时间:2018-01-30   点击数:






2017年获新加坡南洋理工大学传播学博士,现已发表20余篇ssci/cssci学术期刊论文,所发表的论文期刊包括public understanding of science, mass communication & society, science communication, internet research, international journal of communication等。论文连续多年被国际传播学会(ica)和美国新闻与大众传播教育协会(aejmc)年会会议接收。此外,还主持和参与多项国家社会科学基金项目及教育部人文社科项目。


ssci权威期刊environmental communication编委成员

chinese journal of communication,mass communication & society等国际ssci期刊的审稿人

曾担任ssci期刊asian journal of communication的助理编辑



phd in communication studies, nanyang technological university, singapore





1. yang, x., wei, r., & ho, s. s. (2021). if others care, i will fight climate change: an examination of media effects in addressing the public goods dilemma of climate change mitigation. international journal of communication, 15, 21. (ssci第一作者)

2. yang, x., & zhang, l.(2021). reducing parent-adolescent conflicts about mobile phone use:the role of parenting styles. mobile media & communication, 9(3),563-583. (ssci第一作者)

3. zhang, l., &yang, x.(2020). linking risk perception to breast cancer examination intention in china: examining an adapted cognitive mediation model.health communication,1-12.(ssci-q2通讯作者)

4、yang, x.,chen, l., & ho, s. s. (2020). does media exposure relate to the illusion of knowing in the public understanding of climate change?.public understanding of science,29(1), 94-111.(ssci-q1第一作者)

5、yang, x.,&chen, l. (2019). examining knowledge as a motivation for attention to breast cancer–related information across different media.international journal of communication,13, 21.(ssci第一作者)

6、chen, l.,yang, x.,fu, l., liu, x., & yuan, c. (2019). using the extended parallel process model to examine the nature and impact of breast cancer prevention information on mobile-based social media: content analysis.jmir mhealth and uhealth,7(6), e13987.(sci-q1通讯作者)

7、chen, l. &yang, x.(2019). using eppm to evaluate the effectiveness of fear appeal messages across different media outlets to increase the intention of breast self-examination among chinese women.health communication,34(11), 1369-1376.(ssci-q2通讯作者)


9、ho, s. s., &yang, x.(2018). communication, cognitive processing, and public knowledge about climate change.asian journal of communication,28(5), 449-467.(ssci)

10、yang, x.,chuah, a. s., lee, e. w., & ho, s. s. (2017). extending the cognitive mediation model: examining factors associated with perceived familiarity and factual knowledge of nanotechnology. mass communication and society,20(3), 403-426. (ssci-q2第一作者)

11、yang, x.,& ho, s. s. (2017). decreasing the knowledge gap among different socioeconomic status groups on the issue of climate change.environmental hazards, 16(3), 276-290.(ssci第一作者)

12、xu, x.,yang, x.,lu, j., lan, j., peng, t., wu, y., & chen, w. (2017).examining the effects of network externalities, density, and closure on in-game currency price in online games. internet research,27(4), 924-941.(ssci-q1)

13、yang, x.,chen, l., & feng, q. (2016). risk perception of food safety issues on social media.chinese journal of communication,9(2), 124-138.(ssci第一作者)

14、liao, y.,ho, s. s., &yang, x.(2016). motivators of pro-environmental behavior: examining the underlying processes in the influence of presumed media influence model.science communication, 38(1), 51-73.(ssci-q2)

15、chen, l. &yang, x.(2015). nature and effectiveness of online social support for intercultural adaptation of mainland chinese international students. international journal of communication, 9,2161-2181.(ssci) 



2、2014-2016新加坡南洋理工大学自主研究项目media effects on public knowledge, attitude and behavior related to climate change。


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